Subject: Re: Printing
To: Joshua E Hope <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/10/1998 09:06:26
On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, Joshua E Hope wrote:

> I recently acquired a pretty old PC printer, an "Epson ActivePrinter
> 1000". I went out and spent about $30 (more than the cost of the printer
> itself) to buy an adapter and a cable (using one of those Mac DB-8 to
> DB-29 with a gender changer since the port on the back of the printer is
> foreign to me). It is all hooked up and everything...
> I'm not sure if this is going to work. I need to know in about 9 days, so
> I know wether or not to take the cable/adapter back to their respective
> stores. 
> Anyway, how do you configure and use a printer in NetBSD? Will this one
> work or not?

This is a plain old, dot matrix, line printer? A simple test would be to
check the box in the booter that echoes the console to the printer port. 
For normal use, uncomment the "lp" entry in /etc/printcap, changing the
/dev/lp to /dev/tty01, then type

	# lpc start all
	# lpr anytxtfile

If that works, change the appropriate line in /etc/rc.conf to lpd=YES.