Subject: mac68k on LC520 setup
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: aeolian <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/24/1997 22:36:26
Hi, all
I am trying to install NetBSD-mac68k on my LC520, from all of the info I 
gathered, it is a supported platform. I think i followed the instructions 
word by word.  However, after trying for 2 weeks, i still can't get it to 
boot up. Is there anything out of ordinary that i should try? Please help.

My LC520 Specs:
RAM:20mb (4mb soldierd on board, and a single 16mb SIMM module, which is 
the only non-stock component)
HD:160mb SCSI Quantum (only 2mb for Mac, about 140 for root and usr and 
the rest for swap)
mouse:apple adb mouse
keyboard:apple std keyboad

All the binaries were downloaded in binary mode, and the installer 
reported no errors. i tried both the netbsd121 and the July 10 snapshot. 
and tried the GENERICSBC-34, netbsd121, HWDIRECT.168 kernels. Also i 
tried booting with the kernels in macos and netbsd. The fartherest the 
booter has ever gone before hanging is at sbc() at obio():options=1<PDMA> 
line. I've also tried the laster booter(1.10) and the latest installer, 
still no luck.
Thank you for your help. :-) 

james c. lin