Subject: Re: *PPP HELP!* well.. I'm kinda stuck :(
To: taco <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andy Sinesio <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/14/1997 12:15:32
>Hi, I've used netbsd this group helped me get my ppp to work,
>with the ppp.setup.tgz files..which well very helpfull. I just installed
>netbsd 1.2 on a mac IIvx, including the pppsetup archive. I've set up all
>the ppp files, including my pap secrets file ( which has * * mypasswd)
>inside it, edited the resolv.conf.down file, copied it into /etc, edited
>options, ppp-chat, ppp-numbers, and everything, and when I do ./ppp-up in
>my /etc/ppp i get something like:
> connecting...  pppd: command not found
>I installed all of netbsd, and i know pppd is installed because i found it
>in sbin. Guys, can anyone here help me :) ?

Ok, I had the same problem.

The scripts look for "pppd" in the same folder (/etc/ppp/) as ppp. To fix 
this, i made a link to the real pppd and put it in the ppp directory.  
For a fix, do:

ln /etc/ppp/pppd /sbin/pppd

That should* fix the problem.  I still couldn't get ppp to work 
correctly, it would connect but then nothing would happen... anyway, try 

Andy Sinesio