Subject: Re: a few binaries
To: David Brownlee <>
From: synapse <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/07/1997 23:44:50
On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, David Brownlee wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, synapse wrote:
> > hello,
> > i was attempting to compile fvwm, and was missing an include, xpm.h. i
> > found this file nowhere on my hard drive. can anyone send me the file, or
> > the fvwm binary if they have one? i'd rather have a URL to one, actually.
> > isn't xpm.h part of motif? i don't have that, nor am i going to buy it. is
> > passing around this include file a bad thing?
> 	xpm.h is part of libxpm, which provides pixmaps (bitmaps that
> 	support more than two colours). You should be able to find libxpm
> 	using altavista - it is in no way related to motif.

okay, thanks a lot, found the include, and as a result, fvwm compiled
successfully. i installed the libraries too.

> > I had problems compiling tcpdump, has anyone succeeded doing this? i'd
> > like a binary of this as well. As a matter of fact, i'd like something
> > that logs ICMP's, in binary format. I've attempted to compile numerous
> > other icmp-logging programs, but to no avail. anyone?
> 	tcpdump should come with NetBSD - what problems are you finding?

sorry, tcpdump *is* on the machine. is there anywhere where i can get a
kernel with bpf compiled into it? my HD has currently -500k of disk space
left on it :) (101% full), so i don't have room to put source in.

> > err, i know i should be looking through the FAQ, but MSIE is screwed on my
> > computer right now: how do i access the left, middle and right mouse
> > buttons?
> 	Pass - I use netscape :)

MSIE wants internet config, which i threw out. i didn't expect a
commercial program to rely on a shareware peterlewis creation :)

> > does anyone else have some nice ways they use X11R6? does openwindows work
> > with NetBSD? i use X11R6 and twm right now.
> > thanks a lot!
> 	For a good selection of window managerss (including OLVWM - a
> 	virtual openwidows like WM) check out:


> - Thought for the day... "I miss my dog"