Subject: Re: X won't start
To: David He <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/05/1997 18:26:41
> 	I have a IIci with 8MB RAM and 100MB hard drive.  I installed
> NetBSD/Mac68K 1.2.1 Release.  It was working properly.  When I installed
> X-Windows 1.2, it boots okay but I can't get the X running.  I typed
> startx and it said, "startx: no found". I even login as root and went the
> X11R6/bin directory and there was a file named startx but I can't execute
> the file; it only said that the file is not found.  What do I need to do
> to get X-Windows running properly?  Any helps would be greatly
> aapreciated!

Please read the FAQ.  It contains several useful pieces of information
about X (including answers to your next few questions as soon as you
figure out how to use startx):

Hope this helps.


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX