Subject: New User: How do I Quit NetBSD?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Robinson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/31/1997 23:43:00
I'm new at all this and hving quite a good time. I've posted before about
my attempts at installing macbsd68k. Then again, on my problems booting.
The solution for me was to restart my IIsi with extensions OFF (rats, no
fpu. It's on my DayStar accelerator, for which I need the contol panel,
Power Central).

The reason I was interested in using MacBSD68k is to learn UN*X. I'm just a
beginner and I got so invloved in setting up MacBSD68k that I haven't had
time to learn how to quit UN*X or MacBSD68k yet.

I'm tired of force rebooting my IIsi and especially now that I've actually
booted UN*X. (Wonders of wonders!)

So I'll just leave it running here until some one can tell me how to quit.
I've poked around with some man pages but can't make sense of it right now.
I guess I'm a little too daffy from all the fun I've had installing and

This is a blast!
Michael Robinson
Medford, Oregon USA