Subject: Re: Booting trouble.
To: Scott Reynolds" , "Michael Peters <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/25/1997 17:44:53
>On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, Michael Peters wrote:
>>   The other possibility is one of the codemasters has changed the size of
>> the table, and your mac doesn't like that.  This seems a tad unlikely, but
>> anything's possible.
>Just so there's an authoritative answer on this one:  possible in theory,
>but in reality this hasn't happened.


I think I'm the source of this theory.  When this problem was first 
reported, and I think Michael reported it, I responded in private E-Mail 
that this was a possibility.  I felt comfortable doing this since I was 
the one who introduced the code in question and I knew that certain 
Kernel options can consume more of the table space.  As I recall, 
enabling MRG_DEBUG caused this problem, and that's why the original code 
had an ifdef for the size of the table.  I believe when Allen committed 
this code he either removed the ifdef or expanded the size of the table, 
probably because of problems he had on some of his systems.  Anyway, at 
the time I wrote to Michael I wasn't sure if someone hadn't come back by 
and reduced the size of this table because of a misunderstanding.  In 
retrospect I should have provided better documentation in the sources.

Hope this clears things up, and I appologize to Michael for giving him a 
bum steer.