Subject: Re: Help understanding VIA interrupts?
To: Jonathan Lennox <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/25/1997 16:35:06
On 25 Jan 1997, Jonathan Lennox wrote:

>   From my examination of MacOS, on the 950 the IOP Interrupt looks to be
> interrupt 0 on VIA2.  Can anyone tell me what I should do to enable that
> interrupt, and have it call my handler when one is received?

Look at the SCSI and timer interrupt registration code at the end of
via.c.  That's one way to do it.  I suppose I should implement a generic
interrupt registration function, though, before things get out of hand.
Anyway, that's how to tell it what to do with the interrupt once it's been

As far as enabling the interrupt:  Your mission, should you choose to
accept it, is to find the bit to twiddle to enable/disable the IOP
interrupt. ;-)
