Subject: Re: mac utils
To: Stephen Davies <>
From: Michael Peters <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/24/1997 16:42:47
Oblicatory cute .sig here

On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, Stephen Davies wrote:

> Hi
> Apologies in advance in case I'm using this port inappropriately (Please 
> correct me).

  Far as i know, all mac-stuff seems to end up here.

> I'm trying to install NetBSD for mac68k from the infomagic cd rom.
> I've copied the files off the cd on to my main drive. I can't proceed 
> further because mkfs.cpt and install are seen by my system as text files 
> rathe tha applications (ie I can't click on the icon and launch).  How do 
> I fix this (Resedit?).

  I suppose you could change their type and creator to APPL and APPL or
somesuch using resedit, or you could use Stuffit Expander(tm?) with the
expander enhancer thing, and that /should/ expand them and fix their types
for you.  also, a .cpt is not generally a self-expanding file, so changing
it's file type would not do you any good.

  Also, if you get fed up with infomagic's CD, you can download the more
current version from
There are about 8 files you need to download.  I would also recommend
reading the INSTALL document, as it contains some very useful step-by-step
(ish) instructions.

Best of luck,

Michael D. Peters