Subject: Re: Booting freezes on LC II
To: Russell Cotton <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/23/1997 17:36:48
> I got NetBSD current installed on my LC II just fine. I installed the 
> GENERIC-20 kernel. When i attempt to boot, my computer freezes.
> More Info:
> I start up from the 7.5 disk tools disk

Here's where the problem probably is...

> I open the booter program
> I have the name netbsd typed in the kernel name field in the booter options
> I don't switch to 1-bit display (could this be it?)
> I have 6MB RAM
> The booter spews out all the startup info, then gets to the point where 
> the booter verifies that I really want to boot NetBSD, then, when I press 
> continue, ejects the disk tools floppy and hangs. The cursor doesn't move 
> or anything.

I think that recent version of the booter (or maybe recent kernels) 
cannot handle booting off of a minimum system.  There are some routines 
which must be called which only exist in a normal MacOS install.  Since 
the Disk Tools disk has a very minimal system on it, the booter is 
failing.  Try to install another system if you can (or boot off of your 
normal system and boot with extensions off).


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX