Subject: Re: PowerBook 160...w/ BSD
To: Bill Vinson <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1997 16:33:03
> I looked at the machine status page, but was wondering about a little more 
> information...
> I have ordered a 160 with 12 MB ram, 200 MB hard drive and modem...
> 1)Will MacBSD with X-Windows (not much else yet ;-) fit into say an 80 MB 
> partition and later on can I put a usr partition with development stuff, 
> like C on an external HD or a zip disk?

I think so, assuming that you only install base, etc, and the X stuff, it 
should all fit within 80 MB.  Just remember you need some swap space as well.
(I believe everything fits within about 100 MB, so leaving out the 
compiler and the man pages should fit within 80).

> 2)Will X-Windows run on this powerbook?  Can I take advantage of an external 
> video source also?

I seem to remember some success with this recently on a custom kernel.  
You might want to check the last 2 weeks or so of the mailing list archives.

> 3)Will it run at 16 grays or black & white?

Only B&W for now.

> 4)How much different is this than linux?

Depends on what differences you consider to be most important.  Both 
NetBSD and Linux are more or less Unix, but there are rather big 
differences in system configuration, programming interfaces, etc.  From a 
general user standpoint, tho, they are probably pretty similar.


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX