Subject: Re: Quadra 610 (and others) internal video
To: Michael R. Zucca <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1997 12:20:27
On Wed, 15 Jan 1997, Michael R. Zucca wrote:

> Umm, well, I would suggest not even bothering with a table.

I want to address this before I forget (and as you might imagine from the
lag between the original message an this response, I'm swamped).

There is currently a table in machdep.c for the express purpose of making
some machines work that currently do not.  It is only partly a hack,
though; please imagine with me a world where the Mac OS is never loaded,
and the MMU hasn't been enabled.  This world assumes the existence of
native boot code, and while I won't pretend that it's going to happen any
time soon, some sort of table to initialize the console may well be
necessary for machines where we can't find the video start address and
length through configuration ROMs.  The table that currently exists is
intended in the long run to be used only in such cases, not in the general
