Subject: PowerBook 160...w/ BSD
To: '' <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bill Vinson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1997 09:43:00
I looked at the machine status page, but was wondering about a little more 
I have ordered a 160 with 12 MB ram, 200 MB hard drive and modem...
1)Will MacBSD with X-Windows (not much else yet ;-) fit into say an 80 MB 
partition and later on can I put a usr partition with development stuff, 
like C on an external HD or a zip disk?
2)Will X-Windows run on this powerbook?  Can I take advantage of an external 
video source also?
3)Will it run at 16 grays or black & white?
4)How much different is this than linux?

Thanks for the help,