Subject: Re: Color X on Quadra
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael R. Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/18/1997 11:49:05
>  Woohoo! =)  I'm very interested in color on the LC series, if you need
>anything run for diagnostics on the LC III (3), let me know, i'd be more
>than happy to help.

I would expect my IIvx code to run on any LC unmodified. The VASP chip in the
IIvx is based off of the V8 Chip used in the LC's.

>  Also, is anyone working on ANSI color for things like dt?

:) This is something I really wanted to work on but I can see that with my
time constraints I'm just not going to have a chance.

Actually, adding color support to dt should be a snap. There's support for
it in the terminal emulator code. Only a few things need adding or changing
such as:
- check the depths of all the grf's
- blitter code for color modes
- a few changes to some grf.c routines that assume 1 bit mode
- add a couple of vt emulation codes.

It might be a good idea to support both 256 color mode and 16 color mode for

I've always wanted to improve dt and make it a "full fledged app" with a nice
window-like setup screen, help screen and all that business. Heck, I've
even considered porting it :)

Oh, and there are a bunch of other improvements: loadable fonts and keyboard
maps... You get the idea. :)

 Michael Zucca - -
 "I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose Freewill. "
  --Rush, Freewill