Subject: Re: GENERIC and -current
To: Michael Peters <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/14/1997 17:19:15
On Mon, 13 Jan 1997, Michael Peters wrote:

>   Could someone post a file (this might already have been done, if so,
> could someone point me in the right direction) telling what change(s) are
> in the new kernels?

As I mentioned last week, the generic -19 kernels have a lot of
040-related changes in them.  None of them change the effective operation
of the kernel on 040 machines, and while there were some changes to the
030-related code, the net result should only be that the kernel is more
`correct', not that it's any more or less stable in general.

The only user-visible change is that the Duo 2xx systems may actually boot
without any special patches, but I've received word that the SCSI
controller support for (an unspecified) dock isn't working yet.
Otherwise, for the vast majority of people, there is simply no useful
change from the GENERIC-8 kernel up to the present.

One might notice that I periodically remove older kernels.  As soon as I
have confirmation that folks are successfully using the 19 or 20 kernels,
in fact, I expect to remove all but the 16 and 20 kernels.  (This is an
open invitation for folks to use the GENERIC-20 or GENERICSBC-20 kernels
and let me know if they work.)

> I'm
> sure the person compiling isn't doing it just for the sake of compiling.

Pretty close.  My machines don't have much to do when I am sleeping, and
there are new features that folks might have heard of on current-users
that they'll want to try without having to download the source and
compile it themselves. :-)
