Subject: Re: Feature of different GENERIC-kernels
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: Christoph Ewering <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/13/1997 18:08:25
> > Could someone explain to me, the differences between the kernels in the 
> > arch/mac68k archiv ?
> There is a README file which states (perhaps unclearly?) that the kernels
> are compiled from NetBSD-current source as of a particular date.
> --scott

O.K. So it is better to have a kernel with the highest number, right?
Thanks Scott, but what are the differences between this kernels?
Why ran the G11 and G15 on my Q700 and not the G16 (first kernel with
support for av, right?)
What about x-support in the kernels? I know with G15 X didn't run.
I used madhatter#35 (not in the official-current) and X ran.

Do you understand my problem?
It would be easier for a newbie if the readme explains which kernel for
which mac. Or are the kernels for testing and you want to hear the bug
reports? Than, why isn't it in the readme.

Scott, i don't want to blame anyone on this list, you've all done a very
good job, but after three weeks of watching the newsgroup, I think there
is a dokumentation problem.

About two weeks ago i send some bug reports about the installation guide
and some suggestions that i think will reduce the traffic of install
questions, but i get no response from anyone.

That was only my two pfennige, bye

P.S. At the end of this week i will get another disc, than i will install
NetBSD again, and as i got the time i try to support NetBSD more.

Christoph Ewering
Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
33104 Paderborn