Subject: Re: NOTICE: I've committed some low-level changes
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: Erik Bertelsen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/10/1997 08:23:22
On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Scott Reynolds wrote:

.. In trying to sort out the 040 situation, I've made a number of changes.
.. They shouldn't be fatal for anyone running an kernel generated from a
.. stock source tree, though folks that have a specially modified 040 kernel
.. should beware.  I have effectively disabled the code that attempts to map
.. out the memory ranges that the ROM and/or Mac OS have set up, and
.. consequently dt and/or X will _not_ run on an 040-based machine with a
.. stock kernel.

I have rebuilt my Quadra 610 kernel last evening after sup'ing these
changes, and it has been running with no problems since then.

Environment: Quadra 610 w/full 68040, NetBSD-current sources as of
yesterday, no local patches (except for the declaration of db_onpanic,
that has already been fixed according to the commit messages).

- Erik Bertelsen