Subject: Cross compile from NetBSD/i386?
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG, port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott Ellis <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/09/1997 17:32:04
I'm trying to setup a cross-compile environment on a NetBSD/i386
box running -current, so that I can build m68k binaries on it,
but think I'm doing it wrong. ;-)

I found some instructions on about setting up a system
for NetBSD 1.1 (under any other OS), but it seems overly machine
The basic steps were to build Make with MACHINE and MACHINE_ARCH defined,
build config, install binutils and gcc from their own archives (i.e., not
from the NetBSD tree), and then edit a LOT of includes/makefiles.

Since the host system is already running NetBSD, this seems silly.
Is there an easier way to setup this sort of environment?

Any pointers would be most helpful.

  //    Scott Ellis     //   //   //
// WARNING: This signature warps  time and space in its vicinity    //