Subject: Re: Partition for usr
To: None <jscott@MNSi.Net>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/09/1997 09:12:44
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997 17:21:30 -0500,
jscott@MNSi.Net (James Scott) wrote:
> THis is my new setup, im sick and tired of all these problems.
> 4022k Root Filesystem
> 19990k Swap
> 106956k Usr File System
> What would be the best setup for using Netbsd and X w/ a seporat usr
> partition.  If that is totaly wrong please tell me :O)

The 4M root maybe a bit too small since you don't have separate /tmp
and /var.  Probably you should go for the all-in-one-partition plan,
given that you have only 100M+ of disk space for NetBSD.
