Subject: Re: Newer Power Manager driver for PowerBook series is released
To: Michael R Zucca <>
From: Takashi Hamada <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/08/1997 16:10:42
At 4:19 97.1.7, Michael R Zucca wrote:
> > > PS. I don't remember if this was sposed to work, but the backlight 
> > > dimmer still does not.
> Somebody had mentioned this when I was working on 0.x. I think the hardware
> register that controls back lighting is getting reset when the machine boots
> into NetBSD. Once you find the back lighting register you should be able to
> set it to whatever you want.

The backlighting should be controlled by Power Manager, as far as I know.
Concerning PB550c, I've found a Power Manager command for controlling the 
backlighting. And it works with my custom kernels. But I am not sure 
if it can work on other PowerBook models as well. As you said, Some PB 
models might have a hardware register for it.

> Just a note: If you do find that register I'd like to get together with you
> and Taras so we can make some graphics ioctls that make sense. :) I'd love to
> see a grf driver where you can control everything from monitor depth/res to
> brightness and backlighting.

I would let you (and all) know if I got it.
Anyone who own PowerBook also find that feature, please let us know!

 Takashi Hamada