Subject: Probs with a Q840AV
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/07/1997 23:30:26
I'm trying to boot on GENERIC-17, which I think that someone mentioned might
work.  Well, it goes along fine for a while (I see it identify all my scsi
disks), but then I get this:

PRAM: time does not appear to have been read correctly.
PRAM:  0x8da807e, macos-bootime 0x23d170f2

the numbers seem to change every time, I also got:

PRAM: 0x83da807e, macos_bootime 0x2d16a49

Can anyone shed some light on this?  Or recommend a kernel that they know
works with a Q840AV?  Many thanks if you can help me!
