Subject: Re: Problem with installer and mkfs.
To: Stephen C. Brown <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/07/1997 17:20:58
>The partition name makes no difference to the installer.  The partition
>type should be "Apple_UNIX_SVR2".  The way it figures out whether a
>partition is a "Root", "Usr", or "Swap" partition is through a structure
>called a "blockzeroblock" structure that was placed in the part of the part-
>ition entry referred to (in MacOS land) as the "pmPad" field(In the installer
>code it is referred to as "pmBootArgs").  The specific field that it
>looks at in the "blockzeroblock" structure is the "bzbFlags" field.

Mkfs and the code I found in the Kernel both determine partition types by 
the contents of the partition name field, so there does appear to be a 
mismatch here. Sorry, but I never dug very deep into the Installer code 
to find out how it determined partition types.  I had been told a couple 
of times about these bit definitions, but I never found them in my old 
version of CodeWarrior and didn't bother reloading an even older version 
of Think C.  I'll dig into mkfs and see if I can straighten this out.  
The original mkfs never looked a the pmPad field in the Partition Map 
entry, and I never changed that.  It would appear that this needs to be 
added to mkfs and possibly to the Kernel as well.  I'll make the changes 
to mkfs tonite.  If Steve is willing to test them maybe we can have an 
updated mkfs available in a few days.
