Subject: Re: A new mailing list perhaps???
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Noah M. Kieserman <Noah.M.Kieserman@Dartmouth.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/05/1997 15:01:00 wrote:
 What I'd say
is that probably too much discussion goes on on the list itself, and not
enough by private email - certainly for porting issues, that discussion
*needs* to go on on the list itself. But a number of the installation /
config issues could be dealt with by email
--- end of quoted material ---

	I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say, but i think i agree
with you. I like this list as it is now, but if people are going to try to
improve it, i think more people should reply individually to general config
questions, and less people should reply individually to more technical porting
questions (posting to the list instead). 
	Lots of the config questions are repeats and get multiple answers on
top of that, so they can be tedious. More important, tho, is the fact that the
more advanced the info is on the list, the more those of us who are just
watching will learn, and we'll be able to contribute more, sooner.