Subject: Rephrased Questions related to setup/installation.
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: srg <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/04/1997 17:06:43
ok, i had asked some questions of this mailing group before and i dont
believe that I had done enough expermentation with the NetBSD programs /
distribution or enough reading of the documents etc.

This is my system...
Quadra 700
040 cpu , with FPU
20 megs ram
19" super Mac Monitor
SuperMatch Video Card ( i think, cant remember exact name)
400meg HD
Zip Drive

I have the APS program for partitioning, all of the NetBSD 1.2 binaries, 2
differnt kernels that are supposed to run on an 040.

Here's what i want to do....

1. Partition a 70 meg Root & usr partition and a 25 meg swap partition
     (I am unsure of what the eschatology partition is for?)
   - whether these partitions are on my Internal hard drive or on a Zip
disk        does not matter to me. I would like to know which is better

2. Install NetBSD 1.2

Id like to know from people with experience if this is enough space to give
the software, and basically jsut someone who has done this to guide me so i
dont screw anything up.
