Subject: Re: MacBSD booter freezes
To: Christoph Ewering <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/03/1997 10:16:29
>> Also, how is the 040 work coming along? Are any 040 systems bootable
>> with a current kernel yet?
>Well, I'm running my Q700 for about 10 days with minimal problems.
>I use the madhatter #35 kernel (because it works with the xserver)
>The GENERIC #11 and #15 were also booting, but xserver didn't work.
>The GENERIC #16 and #18 are for the AV-Macs.

I have a Quadra 840AV running GENERIC-17...should I switch to 16 or 18? It
works fine as is with PPP and X.

Thanks for any advice,

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