Subject: Re: fvwm Problems, 3 Button problem
To: Christoph Ewering <>
From: Stephen C. Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/03/1997 00:07:53
>Hello everybody and a happy new year!

Happy new year to all....:-)

>I installed the fvwm 1.24r and now I'm having some problems.

It might help to know which X installation you are using.  I will
go ahead and assume that it is the latest one from Scott R.
(i.e. xserver12, etc.).  In that case, I am using the same kernel,
the same X server, but with fvwm 2.042.  I am having no problems with
that.  I know that Steve Allen has the fvwm 1.24r compiled and available
for ftp at:


Try that first and see if it works for you.  If not, let me know, and
I'll post the binaries, etc. for fvwm2(But, be aware fvwm2 would
likely require lots of changes to your config file).

As far as pre-compiled binaries, you might try the "contrib" directory
on, or poke around a bit while you're looking at Steve
Allen's site above(I believe he's got a couple of things pre-compiled).
You might also check the web page as I believe there are links there
to at least everything in the "contrib" directory on
But, most of the stuff compiles okay with very few changes.  If you
have problems with any particular application, just post to the list
and someone will help you out.

Steve Brown,

p.s.  How would I get things into the "contrib" directory??  I have
        compiled a lot of things and if there is enough interest, it
        might be nice to make them available.  I'll probably just
        go ahead and put them on my ISP account this weekend.  Some
        of the things compiled are: exmh, fvwm2, metamail, mh 6.8.3,
                Tcl/Tk, xearth, xmessage, xtetris, xlock, xautolock,
                and xv.
        What is the proper procedure for the above?? Should I post
        just the binaries(with a README specifying the patches to the
        original source) or the patched source archives as well??
>The fvwm works fine, i use it with the same .fvwmrc that i use at
>university with our suns. But i think the fvwm has some redraw
>problems. Sometimes when i switch the window, or move the window, some
>parts of the window at the last position are left, but this is only a
>But the redraw of GoodStuff is really bad, everytime when i click on some
>icons (in fact there are only the names, because i have no icons installed
>yet) i seems to me, that the redraw is done a few lines under the original
>position of the GoodStuff. After three clicks, the whole gets messed up,
>and it is unreadable.
>Don't know if it is a problem of the fvwm, the madhatter#35-Kernel or
>of the xserver.
>Than i have a problem with the .fvwmrc.
>I changed the mouse-bindings, because i want to use the Ctrl and Shift key
>to emulate the second and third button of the mouse.
>I've managed to emulate another button of the mouse with the Ctrl-key, but
>i got an error-messages for every other key-kombinations like Shift,
>Shift-Ctrl or Meta (but it is documented in the man-pages)
>I tried something like this:
>#     Button    Context Modifi  Function
>Mouse 1         R       N       WindowList
>Mouse 1         R       C       PopUp "Manager"
>Mouse 1         R       S       PopUp "Tools"
>And the third line gave an error.
>Is there a binary-archive where i can find xload, xclock,xmailwatcher,
>pine etc. ?
>How much diskspace do i need for a complete compiler installation ?
>But I don't know if it makes sense to install the compiler, because if i
>ran into trouble i can't help myself, cause i'm an unexperienced
>programmer. That's why i'm looking for binaries. :-)
>Bye, thanks,
>        Christoph
>Christoph Ewering
>Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
>33104 Paderborn