Subject: *UN*-secr11.tar.gz
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Brennan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/03/1997 00:36:36
   I don't know if this will help anyone, but I've taken the tarballs dist
   (from v1.2, the eskimo.copy location I think) and pulled the thing open
   to find all of the files replaced by secr.tar.gz (also from eskimo.copy
   ... again, I think) and put together an "un-secr.tar.gz" that will make
   it possible to replace the files that were replaced by secr.tar.gz ...

   Un-secr.tar.gz is only about 200k, so it's nowhere as bad as reloading 
   the entire base set.  The ownerships are set correctly, but I can't be
   sure about SUID protection settings (haven't completed testing on the
   house system yet) for some of the files.  It also only replaces what is
   replaced by secr.tar.gz ... so you'll have header files and libraries 
   around that might waste a bit of space.

   [ did that make any sense?  :^) ]

   Yeah, I could reload the base files, but all I really want is to get my
   telnet (and telnetd) working again ... it might be all someone else is
   wanting too.  I didn't generate checksums on the files to show that the
   lot hasn't been modified - I suppose I could do so if someone's worried
   that they're about to install a trojan telnetd.

   I up'd it to ... but it will also be available from the
   Linux box I use daily (

   andrew.  (