Subject: Re: X-server problems
To: Christoph Ewering <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1997 20:00:15
> This is exactly what i did. I set in the .cshrc
> DISPLAY 'hostname -s'
> in the /etc/myname
> With this configuration i`m unabel to start another xterm with xterm &,
> but if i remove DISPLAY ... in the .cshrc the DISPLAY will be :0.0 after 
> i`ve started X.

Does :0.0 work? It should, and it's the prefered one to use if you're
running clients on the same machine as the server (I think the difference is
it uses shared memory to talk to the server, which is much faster than
the networking-based communications used otherwise).

Take care,
