Subject: h e l p request w/ X installation
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/12/1996 12:18:03
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 01:15:08 +0900
To: port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG (NetBSD Mac68k)
From: (Kitada Hiroshi)
Subject: Help me! X installation

Hello, everybody.
I'm a newbie of NetBSD/mac68k. I downloaded new X package - Xbase12,
Xcomp12 and Xserver12 - from  I tried the installation,
but X does not work on my Mac.  Will anyone please help me?
My Mac and the way how I installed X is this.

- SE/30 w/8MB RAM, external 160 MB HD (all for NetBSD)
- NetBSD 1.2 (kernel netbsd12)

I installed all three files using "install" menu of NetBSD/Mac Install
Utility 1.1.  (I did not use "Mini Shell".)
After the installation I launched NetBSD/mac68k, and logged in as root.
(multi-user mode)
Then typed:
# ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib
# set path = ($path /user/X11R6/bin)
And, finally, typed:
# startx
The screen turned blank, and at the bottom the following line was printed:
  Screen 0 at 0x41ad040, 512 by 342, row B64, fbbase 0x7801040.
And my SE/30 did not go any further. (However, it did not hang. With typing
in "^D", I successfully exit from this situation.)

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.


*     Kitada Hiroshi     *
*   *
*  *