Subject: Re: color Xmacbsd?
To: None <, port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: M.R. Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/02/1996 23:33:26
>i have looked, but cannot find, an X server (or patches to the X
>distribution) for netbsd/mac68k that can use the new intvid/grf devices.
>(ive checked the web, fingering, mailing list archives, source)

Well it depends upon your setup. Right now, if you are using certain combos
of NuBus video cards and II machines you can get color video support.
I'm working towards color video internal video (Non-NuBus) support.
It's been going a bit slow since I've been busy but I am commited to getting
this project done no matter how long it takes :)

For more information check out the intvid README file at:

>   [INLINE] NuBus enhancements for internal and external video in
>   preparation for color X Windows. This includes support for
>   "slot 0." Joshua Freier <>

That info is old. I *go* to RIT and I've mailed Josh but he either graduated
or isn't listening to his account mail. I can only assume he's dropped the
project. I've "picked it up". Kind of strange that we both went to RIT.

>  occult:/usr/X11R6/bin# ./Xmacbsd.960506
>  Couldn't set video mode to 0x80 or 0x83
>  Fatal server error:
>  video mode initialization failure

This is the part of the Color X stuff that is trying to use the new grf ioctl
calls that were first introduced in the NuBus grf driver. However, "official"
kernels don't support the new ioctls. You can use a colorkit kernel to get
results if you have the right combo of NuBus card and computer.

Internal video color will be here real soon now :)

>if i hack grfiv_mode() will i get away with it?

Nope. Even if you fake the mode switching ioctl you'll mess up X since it
won't be able to control the palette or really anything else.

Stick to B/W X until I can get stuff going or, if you use a NuBus card, work
with Taras Ivenenko and get your card working under Colorkit.

Good luck and watch this list for more info.

 Michael Zucca - -
 "I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose Freewill. "
  --Rush, Freewill