Subject: Re: kernel for IIci
To: Jay Yanek <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/28/1995 04:53:59
   At the advise from some on this list, I recompiled the kernel using the 
   latest source (I think > dec 14th).  The new GENERIC kernel works well 
   'out of the box' on my IIci, and I can now get 'cu' working.  Ftp, 
   telnet, etc. all work well.

Well this prompted me to re-sup my (current) kernel sources and
re-build.  I fould that the kernel I built actually seemed to work.
Given that I have not gotten a kernel that worked since the bug was
first introduced, I'm inclined to believe that the problem was
actually fixed.  Now we just need Alan to tell us he didn't change
anything. :-)

Well, I'm off to build a kernel with the additional feature I want.

   IIci, 8mb ram, cache, internal video.

My machine fits that description too.

	Jonathon Weiss