Subject: Re: ResEdit Disassembler
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Bjorn Andersen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/21/1995 12:50:17
>At 12:11 12/20/95 -0600, Rick C. Petty wrote:
>>ResEdit has a disassembler?  Where can I get it?  But Brad is right, the
>>code is in a system resource.  I'm currently looking for it.  :)
>You can find "ResEdit2.1.3" on Apple's WWW site:
>However, it is something different from a disassembler, I think.
>And also "MacsBug6.5x" will be found there, which is low level debuger and
>has disassembler.
The disassembler can be found on the Bookmark CD, free with each issue of
Apple's Develop. I believe it is also available at several ftp-sites. Look
for 'Code-editor'.

-- Thomas

| Thomas Bjorn Andersen,                  |
|                            |
My name is Mud, but call me Aloysius Devadander Abercrombie.
                                                 -- Primus