Subject: Re: Lockup when choosing shell
To: Jay Yanek <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/17/1995 12:09:29
> I am still locking up prior to getting a prompt for root.  I'm not sure 
> what a normal start should look like, and I'm getting the following problem.
> Here's my base config:
> I'm trying to install v1.1 on a IIci with 8mb ram, internal video.  I've
> partitioned my external 250mb hd with 150mb for root&usr and 16mb for swap.

You have the machine in 32-bit addressing, don't you?

> I have installed successfully base11, netbsd11, etc11 and now comp11.
> When I boot using booter, it seems to go well until I get a prompt asking:
>     Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:
> Why do I get this?  Doesn't it default to one?
> If I hit return, or type for instance /bin/csh, it just repeats the line 
> and locks up.  The last few lines of text look like:
> Changing root device to sd1a.
> PRAM: 0x30d2cc5b, macos_boottime: 0x30d2cc50.
> Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:    <at this point I hit return>
> Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:
> The screen locks up, and in fact, if I look in the center of the screen, 
> there is a horizontal line where the text seems to be 'broken'.
> Clues?  Against the advice from others, I did try setting the max ram to 
> 7mb, but it just prolongs the problem.  Still freezes either at 8mb or 
> 7mb (as expected).

Tisk, tisk. Listen to folks! The trick of setting the memory to 1mb below
actual isn't needed anymore, and, infact, breaks the kernel. Very soon
the ability to set the memory size will disapear since all it does is
cause problems.

Did you make devices in the installer?

It's asking you about the shell to do whatever you choose. The RETURN
bit is the default. Oh, and the "default" root shell under NetBSD
is /bin/csh. :-)

Try booting multi-user & see what happens. You might get more-spectacular
sparks which will point towards the problem.

Take care,
