Subject: Lockup when choosing shell
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jay Yanek <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/17/1995 09:09:47
I am still locking up prior to getting a prompt for root.  I'm not sure 
what a normal start should look like, and I'm getting the following problem.

Here's my base config:
I'm trying to install v1.1 on a IIci with 8mb ram, internal video.  I've
partitioned my external 250mb hd with 150mb for root&usr and 16mb for swap.
I have installed successfully base11, netbsd11, etc11 and now comp11.

When I boot using booter, it seems to go well until I get a prompt asking:

    Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:

Why do I get this?  Doesn't it default to one?
If I hit return, or type for instance /bin/csh, it just repeats the line 
and locks up.  The last few lines of text look like:

Changing root device to sd1a.
PRAM: 0x30d2cc5b, macos_boottime: 0x30d2cc50.
Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:    <at this point I hit return>
Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:

The screen locks up, and in fact, if I look in the center of the screen, 
there is a horizontal line where the text seems to be 'broken'.

Clues?  Against the advice from others, I did try setting the max ram to 
7mb, but it just prolongs the problem.  Still freezes either at 8mb or 
7mb (as expected).
