Subject: Re: Problem with Mkfs on Syquest
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/04/1995 09:46:10
> From: (Patty Nunez)
> I know Kevin used a patched version of Apple HD setup to partition his
> Syquest EZ135, but my guess is that he is running Mac OS 7.5 and added a
> patch to the setup program that, luckily, allowed it to recognize the
> Syquest Drive.  I am running 7.0.1 and Apples HD Setup there won't let me
> see the drive.  I looked at apple's support pages and downloaded a new HD
> Setup and the patch to the app from Info-Mac, but the patch told me that
> the version I downloaded of Apple HD setup was more vercent than the patch
> was for and the patch was already applied.IT failed to recognize my drive,
> hwoever.
> Patrick Nunez
Sorry for the delay, I only see my e-mail M-F.

Humm..  No actually your set-up looks very close to mine.  I am running
System 7.0.1 and the Apple HD setup came from a sumex site as I recall.
I've never seen a version of Apple HD setup that would recognize anything
but "Apple" drives (ie. Quantum).

This seems strange to me as I have had vurtually no problems with using the
SyQuest drive.

Has anything changed recently w/ the Mac Side Utils??  My utils, except for
the booter are pritty old, possibly close to 2 years when I got them.

If you cann't find the patched HD setup through Archie let me know I can pack
mine up and send it to you if you'd like.
