Subject: Novice problems
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dirk Smulders <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/03/1995 22:10:29
...Is there anyone out there ??
I'm new to mailing lists...
and I tried to install NetBSD1.1 on a macSI ;
all this the same week..

Chronologically what happend :
I downloaded netbsd 1.0 and installed it on a macSi (17mB). (A collegue
told me I could find unix for a MAC on the net)
Bad news.  Couldn't get anything going.
Started to surf, and surf, and surf (boy will my boss be mad if he finds out)
Discovered a site with mail archives (promptly forgot where) but read
through the last 300k to find out that a version 1.1 exists.
Looked and found version 1.1, installed it.
I got now a Si that boots, goes as far as to show a # prompt but if I hit
the return key (whatever characters in front) I get a debug prompt and
"Kernel illegal instruction trap, trap type 2, code=0, v=0" and so on
(setup should be ok: B/W, 16MB ram used, 32 bit mode, MacOS-system N1-7.1)

Decided to try to get help and set up a connection at home with an internet
provider so that I could start mailing (talking) and hopefully I will get a
unix that works out of it. (I need unix at home to complement my daytime
Subscribed to this mailing list to see a mail which references to "version
1.1 binary problems"?? but no actual text I could use.
Is there anyone out there that can assist, get me up to date or point me in
the right direction??

I think this is enough chit-chat and will now release this message into the
great electronic universe, sit back and wait and see what happens.

Greetings to you all...:-)