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Re: kmem changes in -current

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012, Radoslaw Kujawa wrote:

This is not directly related, but if we are speaking about m68k pmap... There are severe problems in the setups where large amount of kernel address space is needed. Typical case on amiga port is situation where user has a lot of Zorro I/O boards, or just a large board. Currently, it is not even possible to boot the NetBSD on such machines, because M68K_PTBASE is statically set to 0x10000000. For most setups it is possible to work around the problem by moving PTBASE to a higher address. Now I wonder, if it is possible to fix the 68k pmap implementation, to allow dynamic setting of M68K_PTBASE?

The original amiga pmap did this, so it should just be a matter of changing pmap_motorola.c to use a computed value, and just setting that value to M68K_PTBASE for all the other m68k ports. Or, perhaps better, would be to default the base to M68K_PTBASE and let that base be overridden by any port that needs it. I think the amiga initialization still computes the base, but the result is no longer used.


Michael L. Hitch                        mhitch%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

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