Subject: Re: Couldn't use NetBSD
To: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/14/2000 23:52:35
Hello John!

  JH> I meant a conflict between NetBSD and your hardware,
    > not necessarily a "hardware conflict."...

Ah.  Well there definitely seemed to be the former, and I've
seen nothing to suggest the latter.

  JH> The best choice would be for you to file a Problem
    > Report (PR), by running "send-pr" on a working NetBSD
    > system, or you could fill out
    > ""

I've filled out the web based form.  I only included
information about the card to which NetBSD/i386 1.5_ALPHA2
seemed to object, but I have more information to hand if it
would help.

I hate 'Plug n Play', I much preferred Plug n Work.


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