Subject: Re: Add to CURRENT report#8331 patch for 3COM-3CCFEM556B
To: None <>
From: Ryoji Kato <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/28/1999 00:21:54
Hello Alicia,

> Having access to both 100baseT networks and modem PPP has been in
> valuable to me.  So has this wonderful patch been placed into
> NetBSD-Current yet?  If not, why not, and when will it be included?

I found the latest NetBSD-current has swallowed this patch already and
it works well in my box. 

> This patch should be included in current and the next NetBSD releases
> (1.4.2?), and enabled in GENERIC.

> I know that the cardbus patches have been placed into current.  And
> considering how stable the report #8331 patch is, I cannot find any
> reason why this patch isn't in current as well.

I haven't checked the stability with cardbus patches...

> I especially want to thank Ryoji Kato for creating this patch, and
> Michael Santos for helping me impliment it on my NetBSD 1.4.1 kernel.
> The patch is available at:

It's very useful. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Ryoji Kato