Subject: WinNT boot-manager and NetBSD?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sami Laine <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/04/1998 15:02:25

I have small, but vey annoying, problem with NetBSD and WindowsNT.

I've never installed NetBSD and WinNT into same machine, but now I'm
facing a situation where I'm supposed to do so.

So I installed another hard-disk into one of my personal PC's, installed
1.3.2 into second hard-disk (fresh disk from hw-shop).

Installation ended happily and instboot didn't complain anything.
Followed some dd'ing from /dev/rwd1a and tweaking WinNT's boot.ini I was
ready for floppyless operation of my fresh NetBSD installation.

However, WinNT's boot-manager claimed "No bootable partition" and refused
to boot NetBSD.

I did installboot onto /dev/rwd1a successfully and dd didn't give me any
errors (and I tested later that I was in fact able to us WinNT's
boot-manager to boot from /dev/wd0g).

Obviously I've missed something, but what?

Should I somehow tell WinNT's boot-manager that bootsect.bsd file is from
second hard disk?

Sami Laine