Subject: PCMCIA stuff and SCSI (unrelated)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/03/1997 13:58:35

  Someone sent me a patch to try to get my notebook IDE drive
to come back to life after a suspend. I seem to have since lost this
patch. I think it was Charles that sent it to me, but I'm really not
certain. Can you resent?  
  If this is in the pcmcia-diffs.19970129.gz file, then is there
a file that goes from the previous set to this one?

  Second: I note that the best supported SCSI controller debate has died
down. I'm about to equipe a modest server system for development work,
CVS, etc.  
  It will eventually be my primary machine (no X-display though. That is what 
3/60s are for). I can not afford a new tape backup (I have a trusty
old 2150 drive attached to a 3/60, but it is already too small) this month,
and probably not next month either. 
  I see three options: 1. get an IDE drive with this system (cheapest)
				buy SCSI tape and controller later
		       2. get a SCSI drive and cheap controller (NCR, or ??)
				- buy tape, upgrade controller later
		       3. get a SCSI drive and expensive controller
				(Adaptec 219x, or ???), and get the
				tape drive a bit further in the future.

  I prefer #2. If I had the money for #3, I'd also want to get
Fast+Wide. Option #1 let's me get Fast+Wide later, rather than waste
my money.
  Last time I bought a SCSI controller for a PC, the 1542 was top of
the line :-)

  I expect to keep a good portion of current in CVS, on a branch, just
to give you an idea what kinds of things I'm going to be doing.

]   Temporarily located in balmy Helsinki, Finland, at SSH      | one quark   [
]  Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON     | two quark   [
] | red q blue q[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [

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