Subject: Re: Synchronous IO boards for NetBSD
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: dennis <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/10/1996 12:13:49
>> Is anyone using NetBSD/i386 with a synchronous interface? Good or bad
>> experiences? Needs to run at 256 kilobit rate.
>We were running with Emerging Technologies boards for a while, but had some
>problems. The source for the drivers is not available so we switched back to
>RiscCom (?) N2 cards wirj BSD/OS 2.0.1 - working fine for PP and HDLC at T1.

You didnt get back to us with specifics of your problems.....can't support
you if
you dont give us feedback. 

You PAY for support with our products....doesnt make sense not to use it.

We're very interested in supporting NetBSD....but if no-one is interested in
it because 
we dont (and never will) provide source code then there's not much we can do.

Emerging Technologies, Inc.

Synchronous Communications Cards and Routers For
Discriminating Tastes. 56k to T1 and beyond. Frame
Relay, PPP, HDLC, and X.25 for BSD/OS, FreeBSD