Subject: Re: linux pcmcia drivers
To: John Kohl <>
From: Garth Corral <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/30/1996 16:38:09
On Tue, 30 Jan 1996, John Kohl wrote:

> The Linux pcmcia drivers from David Hinds are not GPLed but rather have
> a copyright notice similiar in spirit and wording to the Berkeley-style
> copyright.
> So, I'm tempted to yank what I can out of the linux code (probably most
> of it) and whack it into a BSD framework.
> Any words of caution or other warnings?
No, just more questions.

What is the current state of pcmcia development in NetBSD?  Is there any 
ongoing work on this?  I have not looked at the linux stuff but I did 
take a look at the pccard stuff in the FreeBSD 2.1 sources.  Is anyone 
working on porting this to NetBSD?

I have not heard much discussion on pcmcia in general or the FreeBSD code 
in particular.  Is the FreeBSD code somehow not suitable as a base for 
NetBSD?  I'd really like to see this working in NetBSD.  I'm willing to 
lend a hand with this (This is not necessarily a good thing :-) ) if 
someone could point me to the appropriate person or persons.

> ==John