Subject: PCMCIA problem with NetBSD 1.1
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Johnson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/30/1995 23:24:44
I'm trying to get Stefan Grefen's PCMCIA code to work in a NetBSD
1.1 kernel, running on an IBM ThinkPad 755Cs.  I started with the
NetBSD 1.1 port of the PCMCIA code done by John Kohl (from and
added them into a standard 1.1 kernel.  I then built a boot floppy
for the ThinkPad containing this kernel, following the same procedure
as used for the kcadp11 and kcoth11 floppies.

Everything works fine until I get to the PCMCIA initialization
during booting (after inserting the second floppy).  If the PCMCIA
slots are empty, it boots fine, but if I have any card in a slot
(I've tried an IBM Credit Card Adapter for Ethernet II, an AT&T
WaveLAN card, and an IBM Wireless Modem for Cellular/CDPD), it hangs
after telling what kind of card it found.

I've so far tracked the problem to the pcic_wait() routine, called
from the PCMCIA_OP_RESET case of pcic_service(), in dev/isa/pcmcia_pcic.c.
PCMCIA_OP_RESET executes twice during the initialization, and it hangs
on the second one.  After doing the reset, pcic_wait() is called to wait
for the PCIC_READY status.  For the second reset, though, the status
returned from all the pcic_rd() calls in pcic_wait() is 0x5f, which doesn't
include PCIC_READY.  The loop runs for a *long* time, then finally
times out and the initialization fails.

I don't currently have documentation for the Intel 82365 PCMCIA controller
in the ThinkPad, so I'm not sure what to try next.  If anyone else has
tried this, particularly on a ThinkPadb 755Cs, I'd appreciate any
suggestions.  Thanks...


David B. Johnson                      E-mail:
Assistant Professor                   Home page:
Computer Science Department           Phone: (412) 268-7399
Carnegie Mellon University            Fax: (412) 268-5576
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA  15213-3891