Subject: Success! :-)
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Benjamin Lorenz <>
List: port-atari
Date: 05/26/1997 15:57:55

NetBSD/atari is running now. Problem was -- what else -- my broken
floppy drive. The kernel was searching for a default root device
(why is it doing so when booting with -b ??) and was waiting for the
floppy timeout on fd0 and fd1... 

I was then able to install the tar archives without major problems.

What works fine:

 ppp: after copiing/adapting my linux config files, I got connection
      to the university using /dev/ser02 at 57600 bps. ftp transfer
      rate with my 28800 bps modem is 3.21 k/s -- a _very_ nice
      value, compared to Linux...


As soon as I enable my TT ram (20 MB), I get MMU faults after some
time of using the system. Without TT ram, everything seems to work
very well, I succeeded in compiling zsh -- with only 4 Megs of memory
and intensive swapping! 

But after the crashes while using TT ram, fsck has to fix this and
that, resulting in a clean filesystem, but also resulting in an
increasing unstable kernel! After some crashes, I had to re-install
the whole system (!) to make it usable again. 
I got strange errors like

 tar: unable to write file xy: unknown error 4088392


 /usr/libexec/ undefined symbol _xy

Well, next I would like to try out X, I already have all the tar files
at hand, but my kernel has only "1 view configured".
As I understand it, I need at least 2 views? What to do?
