Subject: Re: New try to install NetBSD on my TT
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Benjamin Lorenz <>
List: port-atari
Date: 05/14/1997 15:22:01

>	How can you get information into the machine via TOS? Kermit?

Well, with Linux and PPP or MO medium (Linux knows about SMD disklabels
and ufs filesystem...)

>>  - Is it possible to read sun labeled MO disks under NetBSD/Atari?
>>    This would be _very_ fine, because then I could untar all the
>>    install archives under SunOS (4.1.3_U1) onto a 230MD MO medium and
>>    boot from it under NetBSD.
>	'probably' - but if not you should be able to tar the archives
>	onto the disk as if it were a tape, then untar at the other
>	end (Assuming you have at least some level of NetBSD on the TT
>	by that point)

Problem is Linux handles ufs filesystems readonly, so I cannot
untar under Linux. And I cannot do it under NetBSD because I dont know
how to laod the ramdisk (rd0 always accesses the first floppy drive?!)

>	Its probably on the boot-12.fs floppy. If you have access to
>	a PC (or root on a sun) you should be able to rawrite the
>	floppy image to a floppy then mount it as a DOS disk and copy
>	the binaries off).

Thanks, that worked ok.
I will give the sun labeled MOD a try this night -- we will see...

     ( o o )          Benjamin Lorenz, 66111 Saarbrücken, 0681 / 372253
-oOOO--(_)--OOOo----  benni@{phil,ps}, 0681 / 302-{2239,5633}