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Error colors for Amiga boot (fwd)

My excellent authority, Jim Cooper, forwarded the following information to
me from the Commodore archives at BIX.  Note that the descriptions of the
colors do not attempt to diagnose the reason for the fault, only that the
fault was detected for some reason.

These colors are valid for all versions of AmigaDOS since 1.3.  However,
there were several more colors in 1.3 than there are with anything after
2.x.  The colors below are common for all versions.

I will follow up soon with the complete information from the undocumented
RAMSEY feature as soon as I can get it all.

Bruce Drake
Synectics, Inc.
(919) 872-1275 USA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 19:50:07 (-0500)
From: Jim Cooper <jamie%interpath.com@localhost>
To: bruce%syngate.synxcti.COM@localhost
Subject: Error colors for Amiga boot

 Red:        An error in ROM was detected
 Green:      An error in CHIP RAM was detected
 Blue:       An error in the custom chips was detected
 Yellow:     The CPU encountered an error before the system's
             error-trapping code (the code that calls up the
             Guru) was in place

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