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Re: "reboot" on A3000 ?

On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

>  < clip >
> Now, while this would appear on the NetBSD->Amiga boot, I don't
> understand. Maybe some part of the boot code was f*cked up when I
> added DraCo reboot support. I'll try to remember to look at this,
> sometime around the weekend.

I'm not inclined to agree that the problem was due to the DraCo mods.  As
I recall vaguely, someone mentioned that this problem has existed for some
time, implying that the problem exists in 1.1 and possible before.

Also, it could be that we started talking about the same problem, but are
now actually discussing two different things that are related, but have
different causes (that is the reboot problem and the SCSI problem).
Presuming that you have access to older C= developer docs, the reboot
situation should have been addressed in order to make sure the machine
rebooted at all.  If not, then one or more of us could pursue that issue.
While we are at it, if something comes of the SCSI controller fax pas, and
it can be implemented, maybe we could do something about that too.  

Wasn't there some bit in the battmem that indicated that synchronous SCSI
was desired/allowed?  Maybe this could be checked before attempting I/O in
synchronous mode.  I am not near a NetBSD machine, or I would check the
sources to be sure about this.  Maybe it could be a mod to gobsd or
loadbsd to do this check.  Another thing to look into when I get some

> Regards,
>       Ignatios

Bruce Drake
Synectics, Inc.
(919) 872-1275 USA

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