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Unprivileged pkgsrc and multiple mk.conf files

I am trying to set up unprivileged pkgsrc in amd64 6 Beta 2.

First I untar pkgsrc-2012Q1.bz2 to /home/gerard

Then I go to ~/pkgsrc/bootstrap and do

        ./bootstrap --unprivileged

This process creates the file ~/pkg/etc/mk.conf

There is also a file ~/pkgsrc/mk/defaults/mk.conf

In the pkgsrc documentation reference is made to yet another mk.conf, this time in /etc, but I do not have this file.

My problem is that the values in ~/pkg/etc/mk.conf are not honoured. LOCALBASE, for example, is ~/pkg in this file, but if I install anything from pkgsrc it goes to /usr/pkg instead. I have tried inserting the ~/pkg/etc/mk.conf values into ~/pkgsrc/mk/defaults/mk.conf and also into /etc/mk.conf but no matter what combination I try I can't get pkgsrc to honour the values in ~/pkg/etc/mk.conf. Nowhere in the documentation does it say which mk.conf is honoured first, and in which order the others follow.

I am slowly finding my way in NetBSD but this one has me stumped. I would like to resolve it before 6 is released as I am going to take the plunge and migrate to NetBSD altogether. Sometimes the documentation is very frustrating. Too many assumptions are made in the pkgsrc guide which not everybody is able to understand. As I follow these mailing lists to the best of my ability I marvel at the work done by NetBSD developers and others but I do think the gaping holes in the documentation and wiki *urgently* need to be addressed. I am not the first person to need clear instructions how to use pkgsrc as an unprivileged user.

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