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Re: PKGSRC 2011Q2 Wine Troubles


Here's an update.

I've tried wine-devel and it fails to build errors regarding fmaxf and fminf.  
I had modified the source and was able to build it.  But as with wine 1.2.3
winecfg does nothing and running wine does not work.

I also have built wine 1.2.3 from scratch with a fresh pkgsrc and no packages 
installed and built wine and prerequisite packages, and still it does not 

I have however managed to build 1.0.1 from pkgsrc 2011q1 without png support 
(that's where it would fail) and it works fine.

Should I submit a problem report for wine and wine devel?  



PS:  I forgot to mention I have tried pkgsrc-current and it still did not 

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